Top tips for throwing the best moving away party

If you've decided it's time to move house, then no doubt you have an emotional road ahead. Packing up and saying goodbye to a much-loved house is just as hard as moving away from neighbours with whom you've become good friends. The best solution to this is by hosting a moving away party where you can give your house and your neighbourhood one big send-off. To help you, here are some top tips for throwing the best moving away party ever.

Create a theme

A theme adds excitement to any party and gets guests excited well in advance. This theme could be absolutely anything but should filter through all the way through to how you decorate your house and any fancy dress costumes you want guests to wear. If you’re moving far away, such as a new country even, then make this theme fit your new destination.

Keep food simple

It’s likely that you’ll have so many people to say goodbye to that you want your full attention on speaking to guests and sharing stories. As such, it’s best that you keep the food as simple as possible and stick to a buffet. This still means you can have a great tasting spread, but try to prepare as much as possible in advance.

Plan some activities

Some travel related games such as seeing who can pack as suitcase the fastest or a treasure hunt can be great fun for kids and even some willing adults. However, to really make the evening memorable, you should plan a spotlight event, where everyone gathers around a big screen and you share pictures and videos of memories you have shared in that home. It should make it a teary yet truly happy occasion to all be together.

Prepare parting gifts

A gift for every guest will finish off the party perfectly and help them to remember you once you’ve moved. Great ideas are simple, such as framed photographs of memories you have all shared. And be sure to include any relevant contact information so you can all stay in touch.

Of course, the first step to kick starting any moving away party is by inviting your guests and breaking the sad news. To help make things easier, we have developed a range of moving house invitations which your neighbours can pin up as a reminder of the good memories they shared with you. Start your party right by checking out our range of moving cards; it's time to start a new chapter in your life, and this is the first step.